While we were in Maryland a couple week ago Ammon was sustained as the Young Men's President. We had known for a few weeks,but didn't know exactly when it would all take place. Well, on Sunday, April 20th it was official. I think Ammon is still in shock!
Also, I know Ammon will think this is so silly but I just had to post this because I am so proud of him...so this week Ammon had his 3 month appointment with his diabete doctor and for the year or so we have been working on trying to his A1C down below 7. I know this probably doesn't make any sense, but is has to do with is what his blood levels are on an average in a 3 month period. So anyways he went in and had the blood test done. The doctor comes into the room and announces that his A1C is 6.8 I was just so excited I felt like jumping up and down with excitement.
Also, for another happy note...Ammon has declared Construction Management for his major. This has been one of the hardest decisions for Ammon. We are trying to get him into BYU for maybe winter semester...but we will see how that all turns out!!
How exciting for Ammon to be doing so well with his blood sugar. That really makes me happy!! I want to have you guys around for as long as I can!!!
I am also so excited that he chose a major. I think that will be great for him. It's what he knows, and he does it so well. He will be great!! I also think getting into BYU would be fantastic for him.
He will be such a good young mens president. It's a perfect calling for him. Hope you get a little alone time with him sometimes though.
Good job Ammon. I know how hard it is to decide what you want to be when you grow up. The key is, just don't ever grow up. Good job on the A1C (by the way, I didn't have any trouble understanding that part... Okay, so maybe I have an advantage... ... or disadvantage). I'm glad you're encouraging him Liz. You deserve a congratulations too.
Congrats on all your good news! Your pics from Maryland look amazing. We're hoping to go to Virginia this summer. It will be nice to go without a bus full of eighth-graders and teachers who forbid you to sleep or chew gum. Hey, if you guys ever have some spare time when you're out here in Tooele you should give us a call. It would be fun to hang out.
Hey Liz and Ammon! It's nice to see what you guys are up to. Yea for Ammon with his blood sugar levels! Hey Ben majored in Construction Management also, if Ammon needs any advice, he can always talk to Ben. Good luck!
my kid is crying like crazy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nick
So many fun things happening for you guys! How exciting!
Yay! What great news...all of it, well, almost all. The Young Mens pres. sounds a little overwhelming... Ammon, you will be so good! Congrats on everything!
I am not only happy for Ammon, but so grateful for a sweet daughter-in-law who has encouraged our whole family to be more concerned and aware of our health practices! We're all better because of you. I love you, Liz!
And I am so glad Ammon has made up his mind and may even go to BYU! He will be our only child, although we have had 3 go to another church school. I know he will be wonderful at this! He's already shown that he will! I'm so proud of both of you.
Hey Liz! I'm excited to get to know you better with blogging! Thanks for all your work on Super Saturday. The food was great and it was so nice to have a morning with friends! And, of course, I have to mention that Jordyn adores you. Fun blog!
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